
Barbie Bio

Page history last edited by Stacy Takacs 15 years, 3 months ago

Barbie Home 






Body Type:
Willows, WI
High School
Fashion Model



Hi, I'm Barbara Millicent Roberts, but my friends call me Barbie.  Although I don't have parents, I was born March 9, 1959 in Willows, Wisconsin.  I attend Willows High School in Willows, Wisconsin and Manhattan International High School in New York.


I have five sisters, Skipper, Tutti, Stacey, Kelly, and Krissy; one brother, Todd (twin to Tutti); two cousins, Jazzie and Francie, and I have a lot of friends.  My best friend is Midge Hadley and my boyfriend Ken Carson and I are sort of on-and-off.


Over the years, I have had many business endeavors from the runway as a teenage fashion model to the White House as the first female president.  I have even been an American Idol contestant and a NASCAR driver!


My favorite color is pink and I loves animals.  In fact, I have more than 30 pets including a lion, zebra, and a panda bear.


Setting fantasy aside from vinyl...


Barbie projects the epitome of femininity from the top of her impeccably sculptured hair to the bottom of her perfectly pedicured toes.  Her perfect smile implies a perfect existence; no worries or problems, life is wonderful.  Her model image is viewed as superior, and virginal.  She also represents a heterosexual female with traditional values similar to those of the baby boomers.  Her posture and over-all appearance also illustrate a very confident, well-mannered, respectable young lady.  Her name even suggests the classic white, California valley girl.

But, is Barbie the dumb blond she's accused of being?


Not only is she an icon of American popular culture, some believe Barbie to be a symbol of post-WWII female independence. 


Barbie does not depend on parents; she doesn't have any.  Barbie does not depend on a husband; she doesn't have one.  Because Barbie is not married, Barbie does not have children; that would compromise her freedom, her physique, and the traditional belief systems concerning heterosexual family values of the fifties.  However, Barbie does not do housework.  While she may have her dream house, she was never meant to clean it. 


Conversely, this beautiful, sexy fashion dream doll taught young women what was expected of them by society.  Barbie was setting the feminine standards for success.


Properly accessorized of course, Barbie has entered the professional world and is self-sustaining.  She is depicted in every profession including, but not limited to, doctor, teacher, firefighter, athlete, and even astronaut.  Clearly, Barbie's career choices have expanded over the years.  Barbie is leading the way, and perhaps softening the blow, toward acceptance into the male-dominated professions, such as first female president.



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