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Cultural Practices

Page history last edited by Stacy Takacs 13 years, 10 months ago


Cultural Practices in American Society 


On this page you will find entries that deal with particular cultural movements, specific works of art, literature, media production, or social rituals related to the formation of "American" culture. Entries should contextualize and explain the relevance of the movement, artifact or ritual in relation to US history and/or social relations. Why is the phenomenon important to an understanding of "America?"



Fourth of July Celebrations

Knitting in the Era of Extreme Domesticity

Victory Gardens

Southern Cooking  


The Regionalist Movement in American Art

"American Gothic"

Abstract Expressionism  



Minstrel Theatre

Blues: A Starting Point

History of Jazz

Music and Civil Rights

American Women's Sexuality and Popular Music


Mass Media

Media and Democracy

Racial Formation in Modern American Cartoons

Politics in Comic Books

The American West on Television

Television and Gender

Advertising, Women and Beauty

Body Images Created by the Media

Star Trek

Women as Characters in Video Games

Film and American Experience




Fashion in the 1970s




































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