
Minds of Vogue

Page history last edited by Whitley Ables 14 years, 2 months ago

The People Behind Vogue


     Many creative minds and crew work hard on the creation of such a huge and successful magazine, such as Vogue. From the director in chief, to the woman behind some of the greatest pictures of woman taken. Their intent with this magazine is truly inspirational. They all aim to give woman a voice in American society, through fashion.

     Creative Director Grace Coddington, is as the heart of the magazine. She along with Anna Wintour, the “brains behind Vogue”, are featured in a documentary titled, The September Issue, which was released in 2009. Coddington proves that the magazine is not all about the “celebrity frenzy” nowadays constantly associated with fashion. She works to put passion and artistic integrity into the magazine she so dearly loves.

     The documentary was originally designed to focus on Anna Wintour, editor and chief of the world renowned, Vogue Magazine. R.J. Cutler, the man responsible for the film wanted to take a more intimate glimpse Wintour. He was interested in how this woman could hold such power in both fashion and publishing. The film captures the idea that top designers are constantly at Wintours beck and call. Coddington talks of how she misses the old days when “artfulness of clothes was what mattered most” (Hamilton). She has no use for Hollywood scene.


           This film is a true glimpse in the behind the scenes world of Vogue...



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President Clinton's Speech Honoring Photographers of Vogue

     In 1999, President Bill Clinton spoke at a Vogue Magazine Reception. The main focus of his speech was to show honor to “two groups of people that I think are very important to our present and to our future, women and photographers” (Clinton). The president speaks the hard work of many photographers associated with the magazine, particularly Annie Leibovitz. She was honored for her work, taking photographs of “our women, from coal miners to Supreme Court justices. We say they are all important, that they all matter, and they are not any longer invisible, nor are they any longer discounted, that we know our ability to manage all of our other diversities in America, and we are fast becoming the most diverse, complicated, big democracy in the world, racially, ethnically, religiously, many other ways” (Clinton).

Vogue Magazine

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